Written by 2:31 pm Mortgage Stufff

Mortgage Market Update 5/10/18

[responsive_video type=’youtube’ hide_related=’0′ hide_logo=’1′ hide_controls=’0′ hide_title=’1′ hide_fullscreen=’1′ autoplay=’0′]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCwTIdHQ3MM[/responsive_video]

Key Points:

  • PPI/CPI – (decent numbers, should help keep rates in current range)
  • Economy is Growing
  • Rates At 7 year highs – Mid 4’s for 30 year fixed
  • Jamie Dimon – Sees 10 year bond going up….(could mean 5.5% mortgage rates)
  • Real Estate Market Conditions
  • Homes Sales Good
  • Tip For Agents & Buyers – Get your pre-approvals updated

Agents – Click here to get “Cool Stuff For Agents”

Home Buyers – Use the form below to get preapproved today before rates get much higher…

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